September 17, 2008

Right Here Right Now

OK.. This is a kind of off the wall kind of crazy page for me, but this is how I was feeling back at the end of June going into July. This was done for a challenge on a thread that I am on regularly. We were suppose to do a page reflecting "right here right now". So, let me fill you in which might explain why I have not been around for June and July. So, back in June I go to have my first mammogram ever... and let me tell you ladies, don't put this off, if you haven't had your exam, please do it. So, with that said, I truly had a friend that would not stop bugging me about going to get this done and being 47 and never having one I finally took her seriously and did it. Well, needless to say something came back and it was an extremely stressful process. Not only did I have my breast exam I also had my yearly girly exam which I had put off a couple years too, which I normally always did yearly. Needless to say both exams required more testing and weeks of waiting for results and scheduled appointments. My girly exam required an ultrasound which in the end showed that everything was just fine, thank goodness... but the waiting was stressful crazy. The breast exam revealed that I had a lump in my breast. For this being my first exam it was really scary and worrisome. Needless to say I was scheduled for another x-ray and with that it was confirmed there was something there. Then I had to schedule another appointment to have the lump aspirated and wait for those results to come back. So... may layout here is about the craziness I felt at that time and how crazy I feel at time with all the running around of children and their schedules let alone just the day in and day out things in life. I felt scattered, felt stressed and truly tried not to think of the what ifs. But my time seems to fly soo quickly these days with 4 children and sometimes I just feel like I am being pulled in all these directions. Well, I must say all this testing ended with great results and my lump was just a cyst that needed to be emptied, but can and might come back. Needless to say I will not be missing anymore yearly exams. I have for the most part always been healthy and to be looking at being sick in a very serious way sure wakes you up and truly makes you cherish all the craziness around you. OK.. enough about all that... yep, kind of a crazy layout, but I truly love it!